Sunday, June 21, 2009

Does A Low Cervix Mean Mensteral

Voyage dans le Maroc ancien : cartes postales, photos, gravures, affiches, monnaies et documents d'époque.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Women Masterbation Statistics

For my daughter

I made this little table for my daughter, I had made the same style for his nephew.

I do not deny that it is a copy, absolutely not out of my imagination and the person who painted beautiful paintings for children is called Vincent Dufour, the address to discover his works .

So much for the lil picture of my chip, the colors of his bedroom area.

Before the birth of my chip, I'm doing a workshop with decorative cardboard letters found in all craft stores.
I can not get enough, I find it very nice.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Getting Superglue Off Trackpad

To my friends, my family.

Here are some pictures that I made for friends or my family.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Feeling Wet Before Period Due

Expo home

Directed knife and Acrylic Paint.

Knit Pattern Hat With Bill


Rozenn My name and I started this blog because it seems like my paintings (according to friends who wish me well) so I want to see if there is truth.
To discover my work, I will begin by introducing the ancient paintings and decorate as and a measure with new paintings.
I also have a passion is decorating, I'll try to give ideas about picture .... to follow as soon as possible.
Well, I'm starting a new adventure.