Friday, February 29, 2008

Why Wear White At Initiation

HELLO and WELCOME 's blog Mikea

Mikea is a gallery of art and craftsmanship that exposes several creators of Madagascar:

Eric Mallet, mohair rug

Hoasa Ramampy, engraving glass

Philippe Manet, Stonecutting

Bakoly Ramanitra, weaving plant fibers

Jean-Jacques Teiten, Woodcarving

Zanoarisao Rajaona, prints and etchings

Noro Ramboarison, Marquetry

Myriam Merch, Plasticienne

Heidi Lange, Plasticienne

Equipment 2000, Storer and sails

IDEA Project, Works of Art Antandroy

Xhi & M'aa, Painters

I invite you now to go on- www.mikes to get to know artists and their respective area of expertise. The link back to this blog is on the homepage under the button Blog - News.

We created this blog to your present near real-time life of the gallery and the artists involved ie everything seems to interest you. I invite you to leave any feedback you would like to beg you to remain courteous and polite, to translate into French standard text messaging and other dialects and ensuring the shells!

Without further ado, let the message itself. To a background of departure, we go back to the exhibition Paper Pierre Transparency, a video is available here , Philippe Manet and Frederick Viala at the gallery from 17 to 19 December 2007. Ç a was a great success!

Future posts will be a compilation of key events who came from until the current date is reached.

Welcome and Happy Visit


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