You can find the Gallery at Mikea Ambatomaro!

From Ampasapito, take the road towards Toamasina (Tamatave). A Mahazo at the crossroads of the grocery store "Ravinala" turn right to Ambatomaro. Stay on this road on the ridge. Half of the coast, take the paved road that descends on the left to "Rakmal" he said Rakmal is a sign-printing or national. Circumvent the National Printing and pass Rakmal. Down yet (still on the paved road, you continue to descend to 100 meters and take the first dirt road on the right. At the end of dirt road (20 m), you see a big white house with a red gate. C 'is there.
Tel: (261) 20 24 737 82
Mail: GalerieMikea@yahoo.fr
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