Sacristy is the place where sacred objects are secular.
Jove is the order of astonishment.
The question of the sacred, curious, friendly and unpredictable - not necessarily speak
religion - was played primarily on reports that the man with the life and death.
And here is the movement - the sacred - that connects them, I mean.
Movement of life and Death to the human scale, its environment
infinitely small and infinitely large.
Movement adaptive transmission and flux.
Through this research and these questions, I relied in particular on the theories
Jean-Claude Ameisen to cell suicide.

Room 1
Begonia pavonina
(ink and chalk)
Begonias Pavonina were presented in 2007 at the foundation Electra at the exhibition "Folies Plants" by Patrick White, a researcher, inventor, botanist, but the plant wall (the first in the City of Sciences in 1988 to the Museum Quai Branly).
These begonias are distinguished by their strategies in place to survive and thrive in an environment with very low level of resources, namely, here in the near darkness. The blue iridescence
which they are formed as evidenced by their extraordinary ability to adapt to the most extreme environments and stresses the multiplication of singularities of living when the environment becomes hostile.
"Collection Bartleboom"
(ink, acrylic paint and pigments)
"Ocean Sea" Alessandro Baricco
Plasson made his fortune, years ago, becoming the most popular portrait painter of the capital. Throughout the city there was no one could say, truly hungry family who had money in her home, a Plasson. (...) The faces of the rich are infinite. But one day, point blank, he decided to give up. And leave. A very clear idea, and brood for years in his heart, had seized him.
Make a portrait of the sea
He sold everything he had left his shop and went for a trip which, he could understand, might as well be endless. There were thousands of miles of coastline around the world. This is not a simple matter to find the right place.
-The sea is difficult.
"It is difficult to understand where to start. You see, when I was doing portraits, I knew where to start, (...) I started with the eyes. I forgot everything else. (....) It happens that the rest comes by itself, it's as if all other parties were to establish themselves around this point starting, without having to ... (Stop). But what is fundamental is to start from the eyes, you understand? and it is there, the problem, the problem that drives me crazy. It is there, exactly ... The problem is: where the hell can they be, the eyes of the sea?
"Ocean Sea" by Alessandro Baricco - 1998
Room 2
One who looks the other
"Life in general is mobility itself, the particular manifestations of life accept this mobility reluctantly and delay on it constantly. That one always goes forward, they would mark time. The evolution in general would be as much as possible in a straight line, each special evolution is a circular process. As clouds of dust raised by passing wind, the living turn on themselves, suspended in great breath of life. They are relatively stable, although of counterfeit and stillness that we treat them as objects rather than as progress, forgetting that the permanence of their form is that the design of a movement. Sometimes, however
materializes before our eyes in a fleeting appearance, the invisible breath that carries them. We have this sudden illumination before certain forms of maternal love, so striking, so touching as in most animals, observable even in the care of the plant to its seed. This love, which some have seen the great mystery of life, we betray the secret might be. It shows us that every generation considered that follows. It suggests that the living being is above all a place of passage, and that the essence of life lies in the movement forward. "
" Matter and Memory "by Henri Bergson - 1896
Room 3
(engraving, screen printing paper and textile fabrics, inks and mesh)
The term apoptosis (in Greek, literally "falling in up "- Apo: remote and ptosis: the fall - is the term which Hippocrates uses to designate the falling leaves and flower petals in" Instruments reduction ") is now used in the field of modern biology to name how a cell self-destructs, disappears as a synonym of "cell suicide".
In his book "The sculpture of the living cell suicide or death creative," the physician and biologist, John -Claude Ameisen, poses with a new light, the question of the ambiguous relationship between life and death, by showing that each cell has in itself the power to self-destruct and, day after day, its survival depends only on its ability to perceive signals that prevent her suicide.
life is characterized by carrying in itself the paradoxical power to self-destruct, and the old image of death as sudden mower, is superimposed so that a sculptor, architect of alive, bringing out its shape and complexity.
In "The scum of the days" by Boris Vian, the question that concerned me was that the natural world - plant, especially in the form of flowers - was exacerbated by the paradox of good and evil, just because both poison and antidote. Chloe is sick of this deadly lily in her lung and the treatment is to live surrounded by flowers and breathe more than they do
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